On Saturday 30 June 2007 16:00:07 Erik Jakobsen wrote:
> Jonathan Ervine wrote:
> Hi Jon and thanks for your reply.
> > the kernel source as above. You're not running the Xen kernel by any
> > chance are you?
> >
> >
> > First of all, can you double check that your running kernel version
> > matches
> Sure I can:
> Linux lajka3 #1 SMP Tue Apr 17 08:42:35 UTC 2007
> i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
> But I'm not sure it should be SMP, and cannot remember what SMP is ?
> I'm not sure, that I ran Xen kernel at the point of updating VMware.
> Could be, because after a reboot -yes you are reading right :-) - I
> could run the vmware-config.pl ok

OK - good to know that the script itself is now working as expected.

> > At the very simplest, the script cannot build the vmmon kernel module :-)
> > The real question, of course, is why is it exiting out. VMware
> > workstation is pretty straightforward on 10.2. If it's still failing
> > miserably, you could try using the any-any update from here:
> > http://en.opensuse.org/Setting_up_VMware_on_SUSE_Linux#Download_and_Apply
> >_vmware-any-any-update
> >
> > Hope this helps,
> > Jon
> Then I came to the point where I could start up VMware, but got this:
> "The network bridge on device /dev/vmnet0 is temporarily down because
> the bridged Ethernet interface is down".
> What should I do now ?

After running the vmware-config.pl script, did it build the networking module 
correctly? (vmnet.ko) The script should build vmnet.ko and then make sure it 
is loaded. The VMware daemon should also be automatically started by the 
script as well. Try running /etc/init.d/vmware start as root to make sure 
this is running. Also does lsmod | grep vmnet show that vmnet.ko is listed? 
If not, maybe modprobe vmnet might help (but this shouldn't be necessary).

As regards the comment about using the tarball for VMware - you can do this, 
but I've never had any problems with the RPM that couldn't be fixed with the 
any-any patch. My own opinion is that the RPM install is the easiest way to 
run VMware on RPM based distributions.

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