> *I'll have to admit, moving from SuSE Linux 10.2 to Windows Vista
> (mandated by my new employer) is brutal.  It's an OS that is so, so
> lacking in what I'm used to that it is cruel.  I must write an article
> about it to counter all the 'moving from windows to linux' stuff you
> read.  Switching back is pretty dreadful.  Anyone interested in reading
> about it?

Yikes, I'd love to hear it out of morbid curiosity -

Count me in on reading about it. 

I'm making the switch from vista back to win xp pro at work for now also. I
have to use windows for administration things. I'm just not switching gfrom
open suse to the enterprise version of suse linux with netware stuff running
on top of it also. Open suse has served me well at work for our serverxz but
It was time to step up to the enterprise version. I'm using what they call
nows ( novell open workgroup suite). Just getting it setup an having to pull
some novell education from deep within my brain hehehehe. 


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