Alex Daniloff wrote:

Please understand, I'm not talking about public mailing lists. The task is to setup closed, private, secure mailing list for limited number of individuals.

No, you don't understand John. It doesn't matter if this is about a public or private mailing list. You don't understand encryption with private/public keys, that's the issue that he tried to explain to you. What adds insult to injury, is that you don't want to learn about your design errors, but insist now for the $n$th time on your totally insecure and brain-dead self-cooked scheme.

But that makes answering your original question very easy:

   No, there is no publicly available and maintained mailing
   list software that does what you want. And there will never
   be one.

And you will obviously not be able to program it easily yourself, since you don't understand one of the essential parts of the problem, how encryption works. And that's a Good Thing(tm).

Case closed.


Joachim Schrod                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roedermark, Germany

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