On Sunday 08 July 2007 09:25, Brandon Carl wrote:
> Ok, I got as far as creating a raid 1 array for each partition on /dev/hdb.
> I created these:
> /dev/md0  /dev/hdb1  /
> /dev/md1  /dev/hdb3  /home
> /dev/md2  /dev/hdb5  swap

Hello Brandon,
I have been following the thread. So far, the biggest problem you face is that 
software raid need to be define at the very first stage in setting up 
partition type, in this case your original harddrive's partitions are not 
setup for software raid.

You said that on the least possible solution is to get mirroring done 
for /home, so here's how it can be done:
1. If possible, back all the data in /home to another computer. If it's not 
possible, back it up to your new 250GB disk:
0. boot into init 1. And work as root. We need this because we will 
destroy /home in the process.
1a. Assuming that your /home takes 100GB, then set 2 partition in the new 
250GB disk: 1 100GB as ordinary partition, and the rest is 150GB as fd (linux 
raid auto).
1b. format the 100GB partition in the new disk, and mount it to for 
example /tmpdata
1c. copy all the data in /home to /tmpdata
1d. umount /home
2. Now you are ready to setup the raid.
2a. repartition your /home using fdisk, and change the type to fd (please make 
sure that all data has been successfully copy to /tmpdata, otherwise it's 
gone forever).
3. setup raid array. Assuming your original /home is sda2, and the new 150GB 
in the new disk is sdb2, the command is:
mdadm -C /dev/md0 -l 1 -n 2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2
3a. monitor the raid building process: watch cat /proc/mdstat
3b. format it to any filesystem you want:
mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0
3c. mount /dev/md0 as /home
3d. copy all data from /tmpdata to /home
3e. make sure the ownership and permission is correct in the new /home. Use 
chown, chmod if necessary.
4. Edit /etc/fstab to reflect the new setting:
/dev/md0                /home   ext3            acl,user_xattr  1 2
5. Reboot to test it.
6. If all is ok, congratulations! You have mirror your /home :)
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 
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