On Tuesday 10 July 2007 10:01, Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 July 2007 02:40, Mike McMullin wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 22:20 -0500, SOTL wrote:
> > > ...
> > >
> > > Why install a lesser operating system (Ubuntu) than the one you
> > > already have installed (SuSE)?
> >
> >   Please rethink and repost your objection.  *Both* OS' are Linux.
> Am I to understand you think all Linux distributions are equal? None is
> lesser than another?
> Randall Schulz
        Linux is Linux, but what makes the differance IMHO is what the 
devleopers put 
into it to make it user friendly, functional,and fun. I have tried other 
Linux versions including the new KUbuntu, I still like and use Suse, but as 
always each Os and flavor of has it's good and bad points but serves a 
usefull function for someone. (now I wish I brought home a set of my flash / 
fireproof clothing from work :>) ).
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