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Anders Johansson wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 July 2007 09:33:55 G T Smith wrote:
>> Yep submitted bugzilla on failure for cifs (290901) which "made my day"
> You're getting error 111, which is Connection Refused. Are you sure there 
> isn't some sort of firewall problem, or tcp wrappers, or something? Perhaps 
> you got a new IP address when you rebooted with the new kernel?
> The fact that cups is also failing to connect seems to suggest that the 
> problem is elsewhere

No local firewall blocking active for relevant ports (one of the first
thing I checked), all addressing static so no changes there, soon as
returned to previous kernel problem cleared up (changing kernel should
not change firewall configuration should it?). This is communicating OK
to samba box on new kernel.. Does not explain change in /proc/fs/cifs
permissions anyway...

Error seems to fire on a kernel call after looking at source (and is
probably something simple like a type error). The update report did
indicate some work on cifs so this is possibly something introduced in
that change...

CUPS thing not explored in depth so could have been something completely

(BTW Operating behind Router Firewall and a slighty restrict DSL modem
policy ).

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