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Richard Creighton wrote:
> Just about every day, often several times a day, my logs include hours
> of log entries that look like this:
> Jul 16 00:35:25 raid5 sshd[6966]: Invalid user admin from
> Jul 16 00:35:30 raid5 sshd[6968]: Invalid user admin from
> Jul 16 00:35:35 raid5 sshd[6972]: Invalid user admin from
> Jul 16 00:35:40 raid5 sshd[6974]: Invalid user admin from
> Jul 16 00:35:56 raid5 sshd[6981]: Invalid user test from
> Jul 16 00:36:01 raid5 sshd[6983]: Invalid user test from
> Jul 16 00:36:06 raid5 sshd[6985]: Invalid user webmaster from
> Jul 16 00:36:11 raid5 sshd[6987]: Invalid user username from
> Jul 16 00:36:16 raid5 sshd[6989]: Invalid user user from
> Jul 16 00:36:26 raid5 sshd[6994]: Invalid user admin from
> Jul 16 00:36:31 raid5 sshd[6996]: Invalid user test from
> Jul 16 00:36:51 raid5 sshd[7017]: Invalid user danny from
> Jul 16 00:36:56 raid5 sshd[7019]: Invalid user alex from
> Jul 16 00:37:01 raid5 sshd[7022]: Invalid user brett from
> Jul 16 00:37:06 raid5 sshd[7024]: Invalid user mike from
> Jul 16 00:37:12 raid5 sshd[7027]: Invalid user alan from
> Jul 16 00:37:18 raid5 sshd[7029]: Invalid user data from
> Jul 16 00:37:22 raid5 sshd[7031]: Invalid user www-data from
> Jul 16 00:37:28 raid5 sshd[7033]: Invalid user http from
> Jul 16 00:37:33 raid5 sshd[7037]: Invalid user httpd from
> Jul 16 00:37:38 raid5 sshd[7040]: Invalid user pop from
> ..... and so on, ad nausium.   Obviously, someone is trying to break in
> to my system via  SSH.   So far as I can tell from examining my logs and
> my systems (usually at least 4 other systems on my LAN are under
> simultaneous attacks from the same source(s), the daemon is
> successsfully withstanding the assault and the system is not compromised.  
> My question is what, if any firewall rule could I write that could
> detect such attacks and automatically shut down forwarding packets from
> the offending node or domain?     That would give me an additional layer
> of defense as well as freeing up a significant amount of log file space.
> Thanks in advance,
> Richard

The first question is there any reason to have external ssh sessions. If
external ssh are not required just block ssh at the external firewall.
If there is a technical support reason for such access restrict external
ssh access and login accounts to those accounts that require it (when
they require it). If external ssh sessions are generally required
consider  setting up something like VPN and blocking non VPN access to ssh.

The real problem starts when the attacker hits pay dirt, the entries I
would worry about are the ones that are not in the log. The log sizes
are a nuisance but with a bit of scripting and log management should be
easy enough to keep under control. Also a knowledge of the account names
the attack is being made upon could be an indicator of someone just
fishing or something more dangerous.

I looked briefly into this and tended to find that the purported
addresses initiating the attacks tended not to repeat in the logs I
examined. So address harvesting was not really an effective option.

A difficulty here if external ssh is allowed, is distinguishing between
an attack and someone genuinely getting a bit confused about their
username. One may end up blocking legitimate addresses as a result.

- --
I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.

Bjarne Stroustrup
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