I found this thread in the lists:

It's a little bit old, and for version 0.42 of smart.

I'm using 0.51 from guru repo on opensuse 10.2, and still have this
exact problem. I.e. following the advises from all the posts I could
find on the topic, I still can not make ksmarttray to go and
refresh(update) the channels. If I manually update the channels with
smart update as root, then ksmarttray will display that there are
pending updates. But it will not do it by itself, unless I run it as

I found another post, which directs to execute SuSEconfig --module
permissions, so ksmarttray receives a suid setting or so, but it did
not help as well. Do I need to set ksmarttray suid manually? Is this a
problem with the package itself?

Or should I follow the workaround proposed by the author of the above
mentioned post - to run a cron job to do smart update, and then let
ksmarttray run as user, and only notify for updates?

Or, changing the the permissions of /var/lib/smart tree, and make this
belong to some (maybe wheel) group, so I can run ksmarttray as member
of that group?

Any suggestion what should be the safest approach?


Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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