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The Thursday 2007-07-19 at 08:55 +0200, Clayton wrote:

> > I always get problems with gmail webmail, because it sorts conversations
> > incorrectly. For instance, someone changes the subject, and it breaks.
> Mmm ya it can do that... I use GMail mainly for the openSUSE mailing
> lists, and generally speaking I can't think of many times that this
> happens.

Perhaps because I compare how I see the treads in Pine and how I see them 
in gmail.

> > Every time I look there I find list mail clasified as spam, needing to be
> > manually unclasified.
> >
> > My SpamAssassin never clasifies list mail incorrectly.
> That is really strange because That rarely ever happens to me.  When I
> clean out the spam bucket, I rarely find list mail in there.. maybe
> one every 3 or 4 months at most.  You would think that this hit/miss
> rate should be the same for everyone since the config isn't different
> between users.. or is it?

It must be the spam training that differs. Today I looked and the spam 
folder did not contain list email, but it did have two incorrect mails in 

> How do you configure or train your SpamAssassin in Linux?  I take the
> default route by enabling it in KMail and then pushing a whack of spam
> through the filter... it kind of works, but I still get 5 to 10 emails
> per day arrive in my inbox that are clearly spam, and should be caught
> by the spam filter (oddly they don't appear any different than other
> emails the filter caught in the same day)... this is out of 3 or 400
> spam per week.  not a high volume compared to some people.  I haven't
> really looked deeper into SpamAssassin.... maybe I should...
> especially if I can adjust it to get a better hit rate.

I configure it manually (fetchmail, postfix, procmail, spamd...). I train 
it now and then with thousands of emails from my folders (both good and 
spam). I even write some rules for SA.

- -- 
       Carlos E. R.

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