Wolfgang Rosenauer wrote:
> Hi,

> for smaller installations (using a Linux gateway) I used to use
> SuSEfirewall2 which basically has everything I needed so far.
> Now I'd something for another usecase:
> An old Linux gateway (with SuSEfirewall) got a hardware gateway in front
> of it now which blocks traffic from outside. So there is no need anymore
> to do extensive filtering and also masquerading on the old gateway while
> it's still there as kind of second stage hiding the internal network
> behind it.
> Now I still need to control which traffic is allowed from the inside to
> the internet which was done via FW_MASQ_NETS in SF2.
> Since I want to get rid of a second masquerading, SuSEfirewall has no
> mechanism to control this traffic anymore.
> Now I could write all iptables rules on my own (which is possible but
> I'm kind of lazy in that case) but I wonder if there is no other simple
> iptables "generator" outside which does it already.
> I plan to look at shorewall but thought I'd just ask here for
> recommendations.
Also try Firewall Builder at http://www.fwbuilder.org/
Since the v2.1.12 version, is able to import your existing iptables
configurations, witch is a nice thing to upgrade your existing machines
as well. Also has an excellent GUI.

> Thanks,
>  Wolfgang

Rui Santos

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