SUSE 10.1, 10.2, fresh install, on Compaq EVO 600 (laptop).

In my network, I have a DHCP server that supplies all non-server
systems (Windows XP, Linux) with IP information: IP address, DNS
servers, default gateway, Internet domain etc). The client will supply
the nodename.

No problem for the XP machines, but SUSE seems to have a problem.
NOTHING is returned as it seems, the IP address of the NIC is an
address as if it was a non-connected Windows machine, NO DNS servers,
NO default gateway and No domain information - these are all
zeroed/blanked. NO error message.
It's NOT the network itself, because if the NIC is confugured by hand
(static data) everthing works as intended, but I consider thsi

I looked in the mailing list and documentation but could not find an
anser on the issue.

How do I force this machine to act (in this matter) as a Windows box?

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