Chris Arnold wrote:
> James Knott wrote:
>> Chris Arnold wrote:
>>> I have a SLES10 SP1 install in a hardware RAID 5 config. I am looking at
>>> adding another Array to the server and what i want to do with that array
>>> is mount the entire /opt directory and all its contents onto this new
>>> array. Is it possible to do this with the current install or would this
>>> break things by mounting to the new array? I really don't want to have
>>> to reload everything on this server.
>>> Here is what i was thinking:
>>> Boot the system, with the new drives installed, with the IBM servraid
>>> disc. Configure the new array, prolly RAID 0. Here is where i need some
>>> help. Can i then boot the system with SLES10 install disc and mount the
>>> existing /opt directory and all its contents on the new array? Looking
>>> for help
>> Create the new partion on the new RAID array.  Copy over all the
>> existing /opt, edit /etc/fstab and then remount /opt.  If your previous
>> /opt was a directory under /, you'll probably want to delete all the
>> files in it, after you've verified the new /opt works.
> OK, i have partitioned the array and have formatted the physical drive. I 
> used these commands:
> fdsik /dev/sdb
> -n
> -p
> -w
> Then to formatt i used:
> mkfs.reiserfs -f /dev/sdb
> Now to copy over the existing /opt folders and files, i am trying to use:
> cp /opt/* /dev/sdb/opt and get "not a directory".
> What is the correct way to copy over the existing /opt folder and files
> as to not break anything? Symbolic links and what not, i do not want to
> break anything.

You have to mount it first.  For example, you could create a mount point
/tmp and mount it there.  Also, I thought you wanted another RAID
arrary.  The easiest way to do all this is in YAST partitioner.  You can
use it to create the partition or RAID array and specify where to mount it.

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