On Tuesday 31 July 2007 09:17, CyberOrg wrote:
> On 7/31/07, Ben Kevan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Monday 30 July 2007 08:51:10 am primm wrote:
> > > Two small problems: logging out freezes to the point of having to
> > > reboot. Under xgl it logged out smoothly.
> > >
> > > I used to be able to have a choice of kde and then when kde was up
> > > replacing it with compiz. --replace kwin again locks solid. now I
> > > always get compiz/emerald.
> launch with:
> compiz --replace ccp &
> kde-window-decorator --replace&
> Ctrl+alt+F1 -> log in and:
> killall -9 compiz few times in very quick succession, till you get no
> process killed.
> Ctrl+Alt+F7 -> kwin --replace& (this will get kwin running instead of
> compiz)
> > What repository have you installed from?

The cyberorg repo under /download/home:/cyberorg/openSUSE_10.2/
> How are you running it?

compiz --replace ccp &
> How was 
> it installed?

> Hopefully using one-click installer developed by Benji :)
> http://dev.beryl-project.org/~cyberorg/suse/38/want-to-take-compiz-fusion-f

Those instructions don't work. Please read the user comments at the bottom of 
your page.  I clicked compiz-git-all in yast and the rest of the packages 
pulled in themselves. Is that correct?
> Have fun!
> -J

Thanks for the tips. Everything works now. Is this project still under 
development? I mean the shift plugin is superb. It would be a pity to drop it 

Cheers and thanks for the tips
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