On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 23:53 -0500, David Gersic wrote:
> On Tue, July 31, 2007 6:58 am, Hans van der Merwe wrote:
> > I have a lot of semi-useful documents that I want to archive using my
> > flatbed scanner.
> >
> > Im willing to manually place each piece of paper on the scanner but
> > need
> > some software to manage the capture - bind - output to PDF part.
> If your scanner is supported, then everything you need is available. Here's a 
> script to get you started:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "Insert page on scanner..."
> read p
> echo "Scanning..."
> scanimage --resolution 300 > page.pnm
> echo "Making PostScript file..."
> convert -density 300 page.pnm page.ps
> echo "Converting to PDF..."
> ps2pdf page.ps $1.pdf
> # Cleanup...
> rm page.pnm page.ps
> echo "Done!"
> convert is part of the Image Magic package. ps2pdf is, if I recall correctly, 
> part of the Ghostscript package. I don't recall where scanimage comes from, 
> but you probably already have it.
> If you have multiple pages you want to end up in one PDF file, scan them as 
> page1.pnm, page2.pnm, page3.pnm, etc. until you have them all, then use 
> 'convert -density 300 page*.pnm page.ps' to build the intermediate PostScript 
> file out of them.

Ok, so the answer is to start looking into Kommander and roll my own.
Thanks for the script.

Writer or Kooka or xSane cant do multi page scan - well the last time I
And Kooka saves/prints horribly to PDF.


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