On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 23:09 +0200, Philipp Thomas wrote:
> On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:53:24 +0300, Munkii wrote:
> >> I'll post the .spec once I have a working one.
> >> 
> >> Philipp
> >
> >ok, i'm assuming you haven't read my former mail, because i post it
> >under a different name, here it is -->
> >http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse/2007-08/msg00115.html
> OK, you're searching for a solution for 10.2! My work is for FACTORY.
> Philipp

even better, i just installed alpha7 yesterday, i haven't been able to
even install the basic dependencies for AWN, they're either not in the
factory repos or yast/zypper is acting out on me, i just got smart up,
and i'll see what i can do..

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