Robert Smits wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 August 2007 19:08, James Knott wrote:
>> Incidentally, many years ago, I bought a huge Cherry keyboard, without
>> any encoder logic.  I designed & built my own encoder and used that
>> keyboard with my IMSAI 8080.
> Had one of those. Mine came with the optional 4K memory, and I entered 
> programs in with toggle switches I Byte at a time. In 1976 I got cassete tape 
> drives, and then 8 inch floppy drives (1.2 MB each). Don't miss CP/M all that 
> much, though.

Mine didn't come with any memory.  I bought a 16K board, loaded with 4K
from another vendor.  My system eventually reached 20K.  I also used
cassettes with it, but never graduated to floppies.  I eventually
connected it to my ham radio gear, a modem and also a Model 35 ASR
Teletype.  I designed and built an 8 port serial I/O card for it (only
installed 4 UARTs) and in the process found a bug in the 8250A UART chip
that National Semiconductor didn't know about.  I also wrote a lot of my
own software, though I bought an editor, monitor, assembler and BASIC
(Scelbal) from Scelbi.  I did a lot of learning with that box.  Had a
lot of fun with it too.  It's hard to believe I bought it almost 31
years ago!

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