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The Sunday 2007-08-12 at 09:58 -0400, BandiPat wrote:

> > I just tried to open one of their official forms and it took
> > two..three minutes to open it. These things include calculations and
> > possibly javascript. When it finished opening it, the appearance is
> > very far from the correct one.
> >*************
> Yes, you're right, if you are just wanting to "fill" out the form and 
> resave as PDF, kword would be overkill, but it is good to know we have 
> something that can now edit a pdf easily.

It is an overkill, but the form is displayed incorrectly. The end result 
is not admisible.

> > > Also, check
> > > out "cups-pdf", which allows you to create a virtual printer for
> > > direct saving/printing to a very good pdf file!
> >
> > I see no cups-pdf in opensuse 10.2. Is it new in 10.3, perhaps? :-?
> >
> > I have my ways to print to pdf, but that wasn't my exact question,
> > anyway.

> ==========
> I believe this would be your easiest solution to your problem.  Fill out 
> the form in acroread, then print it to pdf using the cups-pdf virtual 
> printer.  Simple and straight forward.  I don't remember the mirror for 
> cups-pdf, but remember seeing someone here mention it in another 
> thread.  I'm using Zenwalk Linux right now, so am not keeping up with 
> all of SuSE's mirrors & programs so much.

That's not the problem. I can always print to file and convert to pdf in 
many ways. That has never been the problem.

You don't understand.

I want a PDF viewer that can save the form data in one of the expected 
formats: FDF, PDF, HTML, XML. Nothing more, nothing less.

- -- 
       Carlos E. R.
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