OK, so i got a nVidia 5700 agp card but i have a dell optiplex 260 and i
should have known that a full size video card would not work in this
proprietary system (this system takes half-height cards) :(
So, i can install a PCI video card and i found one with 128meg RAM (ATI
Radeon X600SE) that is a PCI Express card. What i am trying to
accomplish is, now with my current setup (intel i845 video builtin card)
my system is slow. The browser loads slower and after a minimize, all
apps load a black window then show the full app. Things are overall alot
slower. So i want to correct this slowness and black window loading (my
guess would be that the intel i845 video card does not have enough
memory to do desktop effects). My question is, will this PCI Express
card "speed" things up or will i need to get a agp card? Thanks for any

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