On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 15:37 +0100, Dave Howorth wrote:
> Felix Miata wrote:
> > On 2007/08/17 09:59 (GMT+0100) Dave Howorth apparently typed:
> > 
> >> There's no need for noauto. Simply set the 'bg' option in /etc/fstab to
> >> avoid having your system wait for non-essential mounts. Here's an
> >> example of my nfs settings:
> > 
> >>   suse1:/home  /home  nfs  rsize=8192,wsize=8192,intr,bg,noatime 0 0
> > 
> > I tried replacing noauto with bg, expecting to not need to manually mount,
> > but it appears the mount never happens; at least, not within a few minutes 
> > of
> > boot. How long until the mount should be completed?
> The mount should happen during boot of the client if the NFS server is
> up. If the NFS server is down, the client should boot without the mount
> and the mount should appear when the server becomes available.
> I had a problem yesterday with an old system that wasn't mounting NFS
> disks at boot. I went into YaST and made it rerun its NFS client setup.
> That fixed it.
> I suspect YaST had first been run with no automatic NFS mounts so wasn't
> starting the NFS client at boot-time, then we'd edited fstab by hand, so
> rerunning YaST made it notice that it needed to start the NFS client.
> I can't guarantee that my guess is correct, or that YaST works the same
> way on recent systems, or that this is your problem :) But it might be
> worth a try!
> Cheers, Dave
I would suggest to use autofs. The mounts are base on the user.It will
only mount when a user logs in.
Joseph Loo

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