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The Tuesday 2007-08-21 at 11:15 -0500, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:

> On Tue, 2007-08-21 at 13:35 +0200, Clayton wrote:
> > I start up applications in Gnome, and continue working on/in another
> > application (eg a document or an email)... when the app I started
> > finally surfaces, it steals the focus and I end up typing a whack of
> > stuff into the new application.  I guess I am too impatient.  In KDE I
> > can set it to start apps in the background and it works perfectly.  I
> > have yet to find such a setting in this Gnome thing.

I also have that problem.

> Which applications in particular are stealing focus?

Openoffice is a typical one, because it can take a minute to start. But it 
happens with all of them.

> Which window manager are you using (Metacity or Compiz)?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ps afx | grep "metacit"
 5592 ?        Ss     4:44 metacity --sm-save-file 

> Metacity prevents focus stealing by default, but it depends on
> applications following certain conventions (otherwise it's not possible
> to reliably prevent focus stealing).
> Technical details:
> 1. You start an application.
> 2. If you don't do anything with the existing windows, the new app's
> window will appear on top and get the focus.  I.e. if you just wait for
> the app to start, it will appear on top as expected.
> 3. If you did anything with the existing windows (click on them, type on
> them, etc.) the new app will appear in the background and it will not
> get the focus.  I.e. if you are busy while the app starts, it will not
> interrupt you when its window appears.

Nope. Not true.

I go to the workspace number 5, and start up Openoffice with a big file. 
As soon as I see the first welcome screen, a switch to workspace #1, and 
continue working there. Suddenly, OOo grabs the focus back to WS#5. I go 
back to #1, and I'm pulled back to #5, several times during the loading 

This has been reported months or years ago here, it is a known behavior.

- -- 
       Carlos E. R.
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