Hi all,

I have loaded Xen VM server on a OpenSUSE 10.2 box and can create a
guest VM to install OpenSuse 10.2 ok.

But I have some trouble in bringing up a guest VM image that I copied
from an existing Suse 10.2/10/9 
installation, or even RedHat EL4 installation.

I tried the method described in the Xen V3.0 Users' manual to create an
image file, mount it, and
copy the essential root file systems across.

But when I try to start the guest VM, I always get 

   Boot loader didn't return any data

It appears that I need some steps to make the copied image bootable.

Did try to follow some points on Page 77 to use losetup /dev/loop0 image
and use grub> setup (hd0),
but it complains File not found.

So look like some steps are missing here.

Anyone has some success or any idea about this?



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