Am Donnerstag, 23. August 2007 16:18 schrieb James Knott:
> Please note, I'm
> not claiming it's perfect, just far more secure, even for a newbie user.
That's exactly my point, sure it's far more secure(first of all it's secure by 
design, that's an important point), but more secure dosen't mean invincible, 
that's my problem, you can read it on so many magazines or on websites, which 
claims that there are no threats for Linux, and that's just wrong.

Imho we should be honest and admit, that even we(and that's only natural, 
every software has it's weakness, they more installed, they more possible 
weaknesses there are), could get confrontated with such threats. Of course 
we're still more secure than Windows(it's BAD* software), but we're not 
invincible. And we have to teach the users to haven an open eye,

i.e.: Do you think someone new to Linux can possible detect a root kit or 
something else? 
In the most cases he doesn't even has an AV software or similar installed on 
his Linux box(and I blame that to those who proclaim Linux doesn't need such 
things cause it's unvulnerable).

Under Windows we'd probably at least have a virus scanner(probably a bad one, 
probably one which is modified by a virus or another threat, but it's there) 
and see: 'oh sh*t something is going wrong here'(doesn't protect him from re 
setup his machine, but he detects it).

Now imagin how long such a user would work/surf/enter sensible datas with this 
root kit installed? Probably a very long time

(and I'm not talking about a total newbie, I'm talking about the kids which 
have some experiences in windows and now think when they're under Linux they 
can set up their own webserver, with mysql db and whatever and post it on the 
net, without wasting a though about security, and easy target)

*Broken as Design

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