On Mon, 2007-08-27 at 13:31 +0530, CyberOrg wrote:
> On 8/27/07, Hans van der Merwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > Anyone know where I can find some documentation (more than howto
> > compile).
> > For example, where is all the config kept? I choose kde integration.
> >
> Short answer: It depends on the config backend you choose. Compiz can
> use kconfig, gconf, fuse and ini backends and they all have different
> place to store the configuration.
> More documentation here:
> http://compiz.org/Documentation/Documentation
> http://wiki.opencompositing.org/
> http://gitweb.compiz-fusion.org/?p=Documentation;a=tree
> And read up the backend plugins code.

Thanks, because I have to fireup ccsm everytime I reboot to set the
decoration border to 0.1 (otherwise I get a fat white border around all
my windows).
And after choosing kde integration some of the actions are blue? and
also ignores any new key shortcuts that I put in (worked fine with
flat-file backend, shotcuts not border problem) .


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