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Jonathan Arnold wrote:
> BandiPat wrote:
>> On Saturday 01 September 2007, primm wrote:
>>>>> simplist answer:
>>>>> cp * members/
>>>>> lose the -a
>>>>> it won't try to copy members to itself.
>>>> It won't copy all the folders (sic: directories).
>>> I tried that but then I lose the permission settings I made on the
>>> original directores and files.:-(
>>> To repeat. It just has to be mc or rsync.
>>> But I'm wondering. Is there anyway of getting into my cli only server
>>> from a kde client on my lan? Or does the server have to have X
>>> installed too to be able to do that?
>>> Love from Lynn.
>> ==========
>> Lynn,
>> I've watched all these shell commands in this thread and nobody has 
>> mentioned that you could use something like Konqueror for what you want 
>> to do easily.
>> Just to copy, open konqueror as file manager, do a split window from the 
>> menu, gather your directories one each in either pane, then copy.  
>> Click & drag.  Simple & quick and I'm assuming you are using KDE as 
>> your window manager.  I've also found filezilla just recently, which I 
>> like for the same functions in xfce4.
> One thing the OP had as a limitation was no GUI. I would have thought
> the . trick should have worked (easier to remember, IMO, than the rsync
> command):
> $ mkdir .members
> $ cp -a * .members
> $ mv .members members
> BTW, I just made this a Question of the Day on Linux Brain Dump! Readers
> here aren't allowed to answer it:-)
> With a GUI, I would have opened the folder, done a select all, ctrl-clicked
> the members folder, and dragged the rest to the members folder. A problem
> is that under Konqueror, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to preserve
> the attributes (ala -a). Under Krusader (my fav file manager these days),
> if you right click on Copy..., there's an option to preserve the attributes.
> To answer another question in this thread, I'm just a long time software
> engineer who admins several of his own systems.

BTW I first came across this peculiarity of cp (the hard way crashing a
SUN workstation after a typo ;-) ) 20 years ago and I as I was a bit
surprised that the recursive self copy of a directory was still not
picked up as something that is probably not a good thing to allow to
happen, so I decided to do a little test (nice and safely on a floppy
:-) ).

The result was interesting, the files copied OK and a empty copy of the
directory appeared and error about copying a directory on to itself

The original held...

fileA fileB test test2

where test and test2 are directories after..

cp -a + test

one ended up with

test containing

fileA fileB test test2

with test with the original contents of test...

(After performing a second ...

cp -a * test


had the contents

fileA fileB test test2

and so on ad infinitum... but that is to be expected)

so it occurs to me that....

cp -a * test ; rmdir test/test

is probably equally OK if test is empty !?!...

Now this could be a quirk due to the FAT fs on the floppy... maybe
someone is prepared to risk a partition (and possibly their sanity) to
verify this on another FS and maybe we have a 'Much ado about nothing'

To the other question I have worked as a, programmers, systems
programmer, systems admin for a long time (mainly in an academic

- --
I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.

Bjarne Stroustrup

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