Stan Goodman wrote:

> Installing the package seemed successful (there was a notice announcing 
> this). 
> I rebooted, to  assure myself that the installation actually "took". 

Rebooted? but why? To ensure that the installation took, it is necessary only
to run the program. if it runs, the installation was successful.

> Writing "jikes" in the Search field of the lizard menu brought up a line 
> reading <Run 'usr/bin/jikes'>, and I clicked on it -- which produced nothing 
> visible. (Running jikes with no arguments is supposed to bring up a help 
> screen).

Right - to get the help text, I'd open a terminal and type "jikes"

> Much worse, the three Java programs on which I rely no longer start; clicking 
> on their desktop icons does nothing whatever. Apparently jikes, which is 
> itself a Java program has done somehow screwed up the Java installation.
> I tried to start one of the java programs manually, by which is easy to do, 
> and which I have done before. The result is as follows:

> Exception in thread "main" java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit: 

Ouch - looks like jikes has done something. I've never used jikes, but that
does not sound at all kosher. If your java is all installed from rpm packages,
you can check them to see what, if anything, has been damaged. I'm starting
from ignorance about jikes, and assuming a worst-case scanario here. So I'd
first remove jikes, then generate a list of the main java packages to check.
On my box, I get:

lucy: /home/jjs
(tty/dev/pts/3): bash: 1031 > rpm -qa | grep '^java'

I'd then check each of these with rpm -V to see which files might be missing
or damaged. I'll put the above list into a file called "java-pkgs" and issue
the following command:

for i in `cat java-pkgs `do
echo $i
rpm -V $i
echo 'next?'
read junk

If any of these shows damage, I'd reinstall it... and no reboot.

Was jikes installed with yast or zypper, or was it downloaded and installed
with an rpm command? were there any warnings?

Just for giggles, I downloaded jikes and took a look.  Here is the list of
files in the jikes which I just installed with zypper:

lucy: /home/jjs
(tty/dev/pts/3): bash: 1045 > rpm -ql jikes

I see absolutely no possibility of conflict with any installed java files
here. After installing jikes, I still have no problem running any of my java
programs - editix, limerwire, azureus all work as before. I suspect there may
be something else going on with your system. Happy hunting and good luck!


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