Stevens escribió:
> On Monday 03 September 2007 20:40, Hans Linux wrote:
>> You r right! I reinstalled virtualbox using its binary and having
>> windows xp running as guest now. Great software, much better than vmware
>> which is not stable and slow 
>> one thing remain is USB. 
> I opted to not recompile the kernel and jump through all the hoops.
> When I plug in a USB device, usually a flash drive, KDE sees it but
> VirtualBox doesn't. I simply share the device with Samba and voila!
> VirtualBox now has access to it. 
> That solution works for me but might irritate the crap out of others
> on this list, so YMMV.
> Fred 
Just edit your fstab. Add  *"#"   *to your usb line, like this:

#usbfs                /proc/bus/usb        usbfs     
noauto                0 0

Then add this line:

usbfs               /proc/bus/usb        usbfs      defaults,devmode=666 0 0

Save, exit and restart your pc! ;-)

I made this how-to:

Is in spanish. Sorry formy bad english!
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