
I'm having a few issues getting Xephyr working on 10.3 for my KDE4 development 

Here's what I'm doing:

  sudo xhost +local:kde-devel
  su - kde-devel
  Xephyr :1 -screen 1024x768 &
  export DISPLAY=:1
  bin/startkde &

Which gets me:

  AUDIT: Tue Sep  4 19:40:14 2007: 18007 Xephyr: client 1 rejected from local
    host (uid 1001)
  AUDIT: Tue Sep  4 19:40:14 2007: 18007 Xephyr: client 1 rejected from local
    host (uid 1001)
  No protocol specified
  xsetroot:  unable to open display ':1'


This proceedure was working for me in Kubuntu a short while back, so I guess 
there's something about openSuse's setup that's different.  I've tried 
googling, but nothing springs to light.  Any ideas?




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