On Saturday 08 September 2007 01:18, Rajko M. wrote:
> On Friday 07 September 2007 11:49:51 pm Bob S wrote:
> > A while back I purchased a 250 GB Sata drive, intending to install
> > different os's and or versions of SuSE. I installed 10.2 on my shiny new
> > drive but I stupidly partitioned 3 primaries,  /,  /swap, and /home, and
> > used the fourth primary for the extended partition. Dumb move - Out of
> > partitions with about 150GB of free space. (I run 10.0 on another small
> > IDE drive)
> The extended partition is just a container for logical partitions, kind of
> virtual hard disk within real hard disk.
> So nothing to move, just add new partitions.

Yeah,assuming that I had made the extended partition to filll up the entire 
hard disk, but as I explained to Felix I cannot make the extended partion 
larger without deleting it.

> My favorite for partitioning is command line program 'cfdisk', or recently
> YaST Partitioner that makes possible to prepare disk from partitioning and
> resizing to formating.
The Yast partitioner is the one complaining I am not allowed to do this.

> I use cca 10 GB for installation.

Don't know what cca is.

> For new installations I use old home directory, but create new users. That
> way changes in configuration of desktop (KDE, GNOME, other applications)
> doesn't interfere with older versions.

I don't follow what you are saying here. Use the old /home directory?
> The newest tool to experiment with new versions of openSUSE, Live CDs,
> other distros, is virtual machine. In openSUSE you have options to use
> QEMU, VirtualBox or Xen, but you can opt for VMware, Parallels etc. For
> details just ask Google, there is few articles on openSUSE about virtual
> machines too.

Yeah, but any of these virtual solutions require disk space right? Not sure I 
understand the "virtual" concept. Can you point me to a faq, howto, URL? I 
understand the concept to run Windows stuff on Linux but why do virtual Linux 
on top of Linux? Doesn't make sense to me.
Thanks again for replying.

Bob S.
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