Am Sonntag, 9. September 2007 03:02:18 schrieb Randall R Schulz:
> On Saturday 08 September 2007 16:53, Kai Ponte wrote:
> > On Saturday 08 September 2007 16:46, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> > > Isn't this enough, already?  What a waste of bandwidth!
> > > --doug
> >
> > Yeah, I agree.
> >
> > The limited bandwidth we have
> Limited bandwidth? Surely you jest. Even if every person with an
> Internet connection subscribed to, this drivel
> would remain an infinitesimal portion of the data traffic on the
> Internet.
> Face it, all these "bandwidth" arguments, when applied to email lists,
> are utterly false. The internet traffics in digital media (audio and
> video) on a grand scale. A smattering of moronic "yo' mamma" traffic on
> one email distribution list is miniscule just by comparison to the spam
> traversing the 'Net.
Uhm.. afaik we're talking about analog modem users, those with 56k or even 
lower, who have to wait a few minutes till they've all their mails ;)

(yes they still exist)


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