Hi all,

Running apache2.0.50 on a 9.2 system.
What I want to do is give ro access to a directory out of the /srv/www
tree, containing backed-up files of another system, so that the users can
get their files back by using a browser to dig into their backup.

To achieve that i did a readonly nfs-mount of the backup-dir, into the
srv/www/htdocs tree.
Now when users go see their files, a lot (well, all really) of the
sub-directories in their backup is missing. I found out that if I do chmod
o+x, they all show up.

Is there a way I can reach that by changing nfs options or apache-config,
so that I do not have to change settings on every directory?

For mounting I use now the following options:
-o ro,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nfsvers=3

In /etc/apache2/httpd.conf I have:
<Directory /srv/www/htdocs/dir>
      Options +Indexes
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Backup"
      AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwd
      Require user backupuser

L. de Braal
BraHa Systems
NL - Terneuzen
T +31 115 649333
F +31 115 649444
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