On 09/11/2007 02:28 PM, Pavel Nemec wrote:
> Hello,
> today i again hit problem which is known for long time. If someone
> report bug which is too -  much complicated / no one is able to fix it
> / package maintainer is overloaded   - bug assignee close this bug as
> WONTFIX and ask reporter to move bug in upstream facility (another
> bugzilla for example).
> I understand this (as i was overloaded package maintainer also) but i
> also thing it is packager responsibility to report bug to upstream and
> track them here.
> As I know many others are also not sure about it I am asking here. So
> what is standard procedure?
Not sure what the procedure is, but what I try to do is determine if the
bug is present only in SuSE or generally, and if generally, then I try
to report it upstream.  If SUSE specific, then to SUSE bugzilla.  If I
cannot get enough info to determine that, then I may decide I do not
know enough to file a bug report for the issue, or I may as a catch all
default try the SUSE bugzilla.  If by finding the fix or similar reports
for other distros on a bug, then I will only file upstream.  A standard
procedure would be good to know, if there is one, or if not, it would be
helpful to arrive at the most efficient procedure possible.
Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.2 x86_64

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