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The Tuesday 2007-09-11 at 09:12 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:

> On 2007/09/11 14:39 (GMT+0200) Carlos E. R. apparently typed:
> > Notice: beware of adding too many partitions! If you have more than 16 you 
> The correct statement is more than *15*, as 15 are supported by SCSI, while
> 16 are not.

You are probably right.

It is fom 0 to 15, which makes 16; but the 0 is the whole disk. So it must 
be 15 partitions.

However, the 10.3 installer message talks about 16. Perhaps it says "16 or 
more", but I'd had to reboot in order to check it.

> > will not be able to install suse 10.4 (yes, that's a four).
> I believe your statement probably is based upon
> http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse/2007-08/msg01646.html but what that says
> is that the legacy drivers *may* no longer be included in 10.4, *not* that
> installing to a disk possessing more than 15 partitions will be impossible
> (as is the case in Fedora as of v7).

If the legacy drivers are not included, then install and usage are
impossible. I'd hug that "may", but...

It is also confirmed by <https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=309070#c11>

- -- 
       Carlos E. R.
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