David C. Rankin wrote:
> Daniel Bauer wrote:
>> On Monday 10 September 2007, Kai Ponte wrote:
>>> On Monday 10 September 2007 07:05, Frank Fiene wrote:
>>>> On Montag, 10. September 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> I am about to install openSuSE 10.2 on two new computers and see that
>>>>> the 10.2 default file system is ext3 and not Reiser.  I'd like some
>>>>> advice as whether to accept the ext3 default or to go with Reiser as
>>>>> I have in the past.
>>>> reiserfs is dead!
> Not entirely, Reiserfs 3x is finished and is not going to receive
> further development. Reiserfs 4x is not complete, *but* the jury is
> still out on whether, and how much, development is currently taking place.
> see http://www.namesys.com/v4/v4.html  and
> http://www.namesys.com/install_v4.html
>>> No, his wife is.
>> Maybe. Maybe not. Nobody (of us) knows.
>> Having good (well: a lot of) expertise in media I don't believe a single 
>> word 
>> I read or hear in the news. 
>> Regarding reiserfs:
>> I still use it, it survived several sudden power-downs, I'm happy with it, 
>> having countless text, photo and tar.gz files from some Kilobytes up to 
>> hundreds of MB's. Don't know, if that's very efficient, but it's fast and it 
>> works reliably (knock on wood).
> Me too. I would add 'at least 100' sudden power-downs and I have never
> lost a single file. Additional Me Too of (knock on wood)
>> I'm just confused by the discussions I read here on this list. But apart 
>> from 
>> personal beliefs I havn't read a lot of helpful postings in this regard 
>> here, 
>> regrettably. It sometimes reminds me of the Win-Linux discussions (mine is 
>> better than yours, nyaaah nyaaah nyaaah)
>> Well, some were serious, I must admit...
>> Daniel
> see also: http://linuxgazette.net/102/piszcz.html  on the large/small
> file advantages/disadvantages.

This another great Link:

> I have used both and for my use I have no complaints about either..

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