I've used ReiserFS on . . oh, probably nearly 100 computers in the past 
decade, and I've never had a FS failure that was the fault of ReiserFS - I've 
lost data on ReiserFS drives only due to:
1) Bad memory (most common)
2) Dying hard drives (would have died no matter what FS)
3) Dying mainboards (verified by the fact that various parts of the system 
fried and then things got worse after that)

On the otherhand I have had ext2 and ext3 do weird things even during "normal" 
use. And I can't stand the periodic fscheck. 

Several years ago when ext2 was the only way to go, a kernel hacker, I believe 
it was Daniel Phillips, started a file system named "Tux2". It was the 
end-all be-all of file systems: It was designed to handle any problems. He 
said you'd be able to just power off your computer with the power switch 
instead of halting and unmounting the disks and everything would be fine. I 
emailed him about it a few years ago, asking if he was still working on it, 
and his response was that he quit working on it because ReiserFS had taken 
over the task and was going to work out just as good or better.

I wish I could get ahold of him and ask him what he thinks now. I tried 
searching the web for him and can't find a current email address. I don't 
want to ask on the lkm, I'll probably get flamed :-)

Hopefully either a) Someone will continue Reiser4 or b) ext4 will solve all 
these problems someday. I hope ext4 is not another "upgrade" on top of ext2/3 
the way ext3 was for ext2.

I sure wish /someone/ would write one good file system that can be trusted, 
fast, stable, and no fsck or other wait timeout on booting. The whole FS 
thing has been a pain for years.



System Administrator - Cedar Creek Software
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