> Subject: Re: [opensuse] vote on Lenovo
> Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 16:59:41 +0200
> Clint Tinsley wrote:
> > I was Mandrake (now Mandriva) user for a while and I am still on
> > their list(s) so I am getting email from them urging that I "vote"
> > for Mandrake on Lenova laptops.
> same here, I got this info from mandriva :-)
>    Too bad that LSB (Linux Standards
> > Base, choose your version) has not really caught fire so that
> > hardware level drivers could be "cross distribution."
> but the hardware driver *are* cross distribution compatible, by 
> nature is they are opensource

Just being Opensource doesn't mean drivers will work on all distros.  And using 
Nvidia as an example, drivers are not opensource but written/available for 
Linux and depending on which distro you may want to use them determines how 
much of a head stand you may have to do to get them to work.  Network Card, 
particularly wireless, is a real roll of the dice as to which distro they may 
work "out of the box."  Just the state of the world we work in.

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