** Reply to message from Patrick Shanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 15 Sep
2007 10:52:06 -0400

> * Stan Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [09-15-07 09:49]:
> > I want to install a NetREXX interpreter in the subject system, and a
> > search for an RPM package has been unsuccessful. (Lots around for
> > Fedora, though). Am I overlooking something?
> afaik, regina is the best available and is in the distro
> install-source directory
>   http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/<your distro>/inst-source

Regina is a REXX implementation, and is not NetREXX. NetREXX is what I am
looking for.

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

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