On 2007/09/19 17:15 (GMT-0700) StephenW apparently typed:

> A Verizon person was just at my house to talk about switching to Fiber Optic
> and to buy a 3for1 package (phone, TV,internet).  

> Sounded good until I asked if it supported linux.  He called his supervisor 
> and
> the answer was no.

> Has anyone found this info to correct or incorrect?

I hope they didn't record the fact that you asked that question and hold it
against you. It was pointless. "Support" is marketing speak for dweebs who
need to telephone support in order to get their broken windoz systems to
access the internet again.

For Linux people, it just works, assuming you haven't taken pains to break
it. The FiOS modem doesn't know anything about anything beyond the Internet
Firewall/Router you plug into the ethernet between your computer(s) and the
modem. You could use SUSE's built-in software firewall instead of the
hardware device, but I don't recommend you try that unless you're already a
networking expert, and if that you were, you wouldn't have asked.

With a hardware Internet Firewall/Router, odds are you plug it in, and it
just works, nothing to configure. If it doesn't, making it work is usually a
simple matter of opening a connection to the router using your favorite web
browser, and answering a few simple questions.
"It yet remains a problem to be solved in human affairs,
whether any free government can be permanent, where the
public worship of God, and the support of religion,
constitute no part of the policy or duty of the state in
any assignable shape."
                             Chief Justice Joseph Story

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/
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