Hi all,

I would like to clear my understanding up on the opensuse software
management side.

After the distro is first installed, and provided no online updates have
been done during the install, there will normally be a requirement to
obtain the latest software versions of the installed packages.

To do so opensuse makes use of software repositories which are similar
to Windows Update sources, although far more error resistant. These
software repositories are accessible by the YAST software tool and need
to be defined in the installation sources under YAST.

As an example let us assume I have just installed an opensuse  system
with OpenOffice.org,Thunderbird and Firefox. Other applications have
been installed but I will let the normal system updates take care of those.

I add a general installation source
http://opensuse.oorg/pub/opensuse/update/10.2 to take care of the
general system health, security updates.
I would however like to stay on the bleeding edge of the opensuse
stable/tested software for Mozilla Thunderbird/Firefox and OO.org.

I see that there is a mirror called
http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/<package name>/STABLE/10.2/
where <package name> could be the name of the application ie Firefox,
OpenOffice or Thunderbird.

Do I add the http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/<package
name>/STABLE/10.2/ repository and will having it ensure that the latest
opensuse stable releases will prompt me to update via opensuseupdater or
will the initial update source I added cater for all package updates?

If I load a package that is not normally included in the DVD, but is in
RPM format and has an update section on one of te mirrors, do I go and
search for that update repository?

Confused about the myriad of  installation sources/mirrors and package
rpm sources. And I have not as yet found anything on the net but would
appreciate pointers to learning more ie RTFMing :)

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