On Sep 27 2007 11:50, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
>> >
>> >That sure is awesome(< 8 MB) we would love your contribution in
>> >trimming down our image which is currently 160MB squashfs. Although it
>> >could be reduced, we are trying to get everything working well first,
>> >reducing the size is not very high on our priorities.
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 3020209 Sep  8 21:06 
>> initrd-
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1612192 Aug 29 19:47 vmlinuz-
>> Nothing special really. Just tweak mkinitrd so much that it
>> sets up an aufs, which is really just a few kilobytes extra
>> compared to the regular initrds mkinitrd produces.
>So, these files boot the system and result in mounting the rest via NFS?

As per http://jengelh.hopto.org/f/opensuse-netboot.diff, it mounts
the path (hardcoded - not so good - /daten/tftpboot/linux) from the
NFS server (advertised by dhcpd - good) and combines it with a zeroed
local partition LABEL=tmp (if available) or with tmpfs, to store
changed data, and continues like a normal system. Contrary to
implementations like "DXS" or KIWI (which I have not tried though),
this uses a suse initrd and _not_ a "distro-independent" custom
solution, because such often are not "100% nice" ;-)

>I need to see how the remote system has the stuff to be mounted via NFS
>set up.
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