Richard Creighton wrote:
>>> Actually, M$ have recently announced that they are extending support for
>>> XP, for some unknown reason people are not buying as many Vista copies
>>> as M$  expected :-)
>> Few hundreds reasons per product.
>> Count is mostly 2 (Vista & MS Office) which comes out as one good computer 
>> upgrade (no monitor and accessories). 
> Actually, from what I've seen in articles around, Vista wants
> state-of-the-art equipment to run and much of the legacy equipment just
> doesn't seem to want to run and a lot of people are balking at having to
> buy new computers just to buy a new OS and it's new and improved bugs.  
> One nice thing about far... is that it historically allows
> people to almost run on their old 'junk' machines and still do useful
> work.   I hope this doesn't change any time soon even as it supports the
> newer equipment, I hope the old boxes aren't forgotten.
I often tell people to pick up one of those cheap "refurbs" and put
Linux on it.  I have done so myself on several occasions.  A 3 or 4 year
old "off lease" business computer is plenty good enough for most people
running Linux.

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