On Sunday 30 September 2007 07:51:20 am Richard Creighton wrote:
> >> Actually, M$ have recently announced that they are extending support for
> >> XP, for some unknown reason people are not buying as many Vista copies
> >> as M$  expected :-)
> >
> > Few hundreds reasons per product.
> > Count is mostly 2 (Vista & MS Office) which comes out as one good
> > computer upgrade (no monitor and accessories).
> Actually, from what I've seen in articles around, Vista wants
> state-of-the-art equipment to run and much of the legacy equipment just
> doesn't seem to want to run and a lot of people are balking at having to
> buy new computers just to buy a new OS and it's new and improved bugs.
> One nice thing about Linux....so far... is that it historically allows
> people to almost run on their old 'junk' machines and still do useful
> work.   I hope this doesn't change any time soon even as it supports the
> newer equipment, I hope the old boxes aren't forgotten.

'Junk machine' is for a quite some time relative denomination. 
Every machine is good in a store, but with software accessories like firewall, 
antivirus, antispam, and few other programs, that one adds at home, it is no 
more good. The malware scanners need more and more time to scan new bigger 
hard drives, which takes more and more CPU time. 

OS that doesn't require such add-ons is big advantage for computer users. 
More CPU cycles is left for usefull work, so 'junk machine' using other OS is 
good machine under Linux, just because there is no need to keep 'patch' 
programs running all the time. 

The antivirus etc, is not alone at fault for CPU being busy with basic OS 
tasks, instead to run user application. 

More device drivers are actually firmware, and they are running on main CPU. 
To ensure proper function of device on wide variety of hardware, they claim 
more resources on newer, faster computers than it is necessary for the task. 

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