On Sunday 30 September 2007, Steve Jacobs wrote:
> I've got OpenSuSE 10.0 installed to my desktop.
> I want to use my Olympus P10 photo printer on the PC.
> I installed Gutenprint 5.0.1, following the INSTALL & README files.
> It was written that Gutenprint includes PPD files for the printers it
> supports, and that they are usually found at
> /usr/share/cups/model/gutenprint.
> I cannot find the PPD files anywhere on my system. I have restarted
> CUPS, and it does not list any Olympus printers when I try to add a
> printer.
> I've tried searching the 'net for a PPD file for my printer, and all
> I found was a handful of sites explaining that the appropriate PPD
> was included with Gutenprint. (AAGGHHH!!)
> I must be missing something ridiculously obvious here, but I'm stuck.
> Help?
> Thanks,
> Steve


For some strange reason, SuSE 10.0 does not cause the gutenprint compile 
to build or include the PPD files in your compile.  Read the docs 
included with the source of gutenprint to find what things you need to 
include with the ./configure to make that happen.  I built for 10.1 
without problems and having to add anything, but when I built it again 
for a customer using 10.0, the ppd files were not included.  I think I 
might have a spec file for a 10.0 build, if you want to build a proper 
rpm.  I'll have to search my backup discs, but if you want to contact 
me off list, I'll try to find it.


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