Kenneth Schneider wrote:
On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 01:42 +0800, Otto Rodusek (AP-SGP) wrote:
Hi All,

I have a customer with SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 running PROGRESS 6.2 and THOROBRED BASIC. I would dearly love to port to opensuse 10.3.

Has anyone had any experience (luck!!??) running SCO OpenServer binaries on opensuse? Any recommended web sites or wiki's with detailed instruction?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Much thanks. Otto.

The best solution would be for the programs to be ported to linux. Other
than that there used to be a portability program that allowed SCO
binaries to run in linux but it probably when the way of the dodo bird
when SCO started their lawsuit.

Thanks for the feedback. You're probably right and indeed that would be the best approach. Unfortunately, there are too man apps and a port would be beyond the cost that the customer is able to bear. Hopefully someone with a similar issue has already solved the problem (wishful hoping!!). Thanks. Otto.
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