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The Saturday 2007-10-06 at 02:34 +0200, Branko Vukelic wrote:

On 10/6/07, Carlos E. R. <> wrote:
If the intention is to remove the menu reference, the package manager is
not needed. If the intention is to remove an application from disk, then
yes, you need the full package manager, which should then check whether
that will break dependencies.

In case of package removal, does it also need to check the on-line
repositories? Because that is what it seems to be doing (forgive me if
I'm mistaken). It does take a while, especially for something that
users might expect to be a quick and painless operation.

Yes, it seems an overkill. I think it should be enough to check the cache, but I read comments that it was not optimized, that it tries to download it too often. They are working on improving it... for suse 11.

You can use a network activity applet to see if it really downloads the database.

- -- Cheers,
       Carlos E. R.
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