
I had challenges with my RT61 based PCI card working with  10.3 out of the box. 
 The card was seen but despite any
setup, my wireless didn't work.  So I found a site where it showed how to 
remove the rt61pci module that ships with
10.3 and install the CVS version from the Ralink Website.  With a simple issue 
of rcnetwork restart, it worked instantly.
However when I rebooted, all was lost.   I found that rt61pci was still being 
loaded, despite modprobe -r rt1pci and 
modprobe rt61.  I put alias wlan0 rt61 in /etc/modprobe.conf.local but it still 
did the same. So now,  if I have 
to reboot  (Dual Boot machine),  I have to do this sequence to get the wireless 
1.  modprobe -r rt61
2. modprobe -r rt61pci
3. modprobe rt61

If I do this it works.  Where is and can I remove the rt61pci module or disable 
it so only the rt61 gets loaded.

Thanks in advance,

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