Randall R Schulz wrote:
> Hi,
> Usually I don't do upgrades, but the way I've handled that in the past 
> is by using an entirely new disk for new version. That's not an option 
> for me right now and I'm wondering what I can expect if I try to 
> perform an upgrade of my 10.2 to 10.3 when the 10.2 system is a 32-bit 
> installation and the 10.3 would be 64-bit. (It's a Core2 Duo 
> processor.)

I don't think 32 to 64 upgrades are possible.

32 to 32, well, the typical problems are configuration files that are replaced
with new ones, with the old named something.rpmold, or the old one remains
active with a brand new named something.rpmnew - or something similar. So after
install most things work as before, but you have to review a dozen or two
configurations (the script "rcrpmconfigcheck" tells you which).

I always upgrade, so I know what it is - but I haven't done it yet :-)

Cheers / Saludos,

                Carlos E. R.
                (from 10.3-RC2)
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