
On Friday, October 05, 2007 at 22:38:12, primm wrote:

> 10.3 broke my dual head setup. My 1280x1024 monitor attached to my 1280x800 
> acer portable will now only serve 1024x768 to the external monitor. Setting 
> the dual head to 1280x1024 gives me only 1280x800. No matter which 
> combination of monitors and frequencies I try.  Replacing 
> the /etc/X11/xorg.conf with the 10.2 one gives the same results. What a pain.
> Can anyone help?

There is some quirk regarding rr in the display manager settings. Play
around with DISPLAYMANAGER_RANDR_MODE_* Here it helped to unset 
DISPLAYMANAGER_RANDR_MODE_VGA completeley. Our X team is aware of that..


Henne Vogelsang, openSUSE.
Everybody has a plan, until they get hit.
        - Mike Tyson
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