Unless you're an expert in X, don't try these suggestions. I was trying
various solutions as suggested on this list and I managed to screw up X
so bad that I couldn't even use the command line. I had to manually
power down and do a fresh install, after which I still had the problem.
Just a word of caution from someone who's "been there".

Don Henson

Aniruddha wrote:
> Try these suggestions:
>> In cases like this where GUI was present during install it is also
> possible to 
>> get GUI using installation xorg.conf. Login as root and simply copy:
> cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-old
>> cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.install /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> If all else fails:
>>> Try setting the video driver in xorg.conf to vesa. You can edit
>>> xorg.conf with this command (if you have nano installed otherwise
> you
>>> need to use vi):
>>> nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> On Tue, 2007-10-09 at 15:38 +1100, Dave Barton wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: anker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue 09 Oct 2007 11:02:32 EST
>>>> Hi All, after my second download and still the same result ie no GUI
>>>> is starting, so I'll need help with this problem. Net download from
>>>> http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.3/repo/oss working fine
>>>> both times. Yast2 working in txt mode also appears to be fine. At end
>>>> of first boot startup the display flashes 3 times with about 5 sec 
>>>> interval in an attempt to start the x-server ending with a msg gui
>>>> failed to start followed by more similar msg about the x-output log
>>>> and indicate the mouse is not configured correctly and last that gdm
>>>> need to restart after correction is done. Mause+keyboard is a
>>>> wireless Logitech connected to standard ps2 input. Sax2 attempt to
>>>> start its own gui which also fails. Swop of ..config with the
>>>> ..config.install produce a display with a moving pointer but other
>>>> wise not useable, as The section for the mouse is quite different. 
>>>> The display and the Nvidia seems to be correctly detected. I'll try
>>>> sax2 from runlevel 3 otherwise I need some input on where to look. 
>>>> anker
> I don't know if this is going to help, but in the past I had a box to
> set up that gave me the same problem.
> I found the work-around was to enter "vga" (without quotes and no =
> equals sign) in the grub boot options. At runlevel 5 I get a graphical
> log-in screen and from there on X works perfectly. It makes no sense to
> me and I have no explanation as to why this works, but it can't do any
> harm to just give it a try.
> Dave
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