On Wed, 2007-10-10 at 13:27 +0100, Marcos David wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been working with 10.3 and I have a "small" problem: my laptop
> won't shutdown with openSUSE.
> shutdown -h now -> reboots
> in KDE the shutdown option also reboots.
> Pressing the power button also reboots....
> I can see that the shutdown sequence is initiated (init reports going
> to init level 0)
> but the laptop simply reboots.
> I know there are some weird ACPI problems, but since I don't know what
> they are, I was wondering if this is one those problems and, if so, is
> there a workaround?
> Thaks in advance.
> Marcos David

I have the same problem, maybe we should file a bugreport?

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