just upgraded 10.3 x 86 with the latest kernel:

Before that, I had firewall enabled, and in the allowed services I had
Samba server and SSH, and in the advanced, I have enabled only TCP
port 135.

After the upgrade, and reboot, my login no longer works (I use Windows
Domain authentication), it reports that can not reach the domain
controller. Also, when I go to browse network (smb:/ in konqueror), it
replies with:
"Unable to find any workgroups in your local network. This might be
caused by an enabled firewall."

So, I edited the firewall rules, and added also:
TCP 135, 138
UDP 137:138 445

Besides the weird problem in Yast firewall module, that it woud not
write the changes every time, after all I succeeded, and these ports
are now open.

But, even with these ports open, still I can not browse the network.
And I was able before the upgrade.

Someone else seeing that problem, so I can file a bug report?

Or any solution (besides disabling the firewall)?


Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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